Friday, November 26, 2010


You can finally read my article in THIS magazine!

Referenced on the cover as "Dirty water in the North" - Oh, it's dirty.

THIS mag vailable in Ottawa at...

Mags Plus — Rideau
St.Britain's — Glebe and Westboro locations
Byward Market News
Carleton University Bookstore
Collected Works
Glebe Smoke Shop
Globe Mags and Cigars (William St. in the market)

Support freelancers! Pick up THIS!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

oh hey thurr!

It's been a while since I've posted.... over a year, actually.

My bad guys.

BUT! Exciting things have taken place in the meantime!

1. The article I was chronicling is finally in print - check sa in This Magazine, voted Magazine of the Year by Canadian Society of Magazine Editors! Nov/Dec issue, available at Chapters and great independent magazine shops.

2. You can listen to the melodious timbre of my voice LIVE, Fridays at noon! If you're Ottawa-based tune your dial to 89.1fm, or internationals/non-ottawans can listen live on Past shows aren't archived yet but we're working on it.

3. I have gained, and lost, a cat.
Louie, please don't poop on your new owner's bed.

Thanks for keeping the faith!